Episode 11 – India, Knit For Peace

A podcast for people who love knitting, Dorset Buttons, creativity & Scotland, especially the Highlands & Islands. Welcome to the 11th episode of my podcast – India, Knit For Peace Thank you for listening again or welcome if you are a first time listener. My schedule has got a little awry with one thing and another – […]

Podcast Episode 10 – Looking Back – Planning Ahead

A podcast for people who love knitting, Dorset Buttons, creativity & Scotland, especially the Highlands & Islands. Welcome to the 10th episode of my podcast – Looking Back – Planning Ahead Thank you for listening again or welcome if you are a first time listener. February 2017 saw the launch of the TJFrog podcast just a week […]

Delving into the Delights of Dorset Buttony!

Blog post by Geraint Ashton Jones. When your hubby is a photographer & you task him to photograph some Dorset Buttons instead of his usual subject matter of landscape, wildlife or rugby players! Click here to see more images & read the blog post.

WIPs – Finish It or Frog It?!

Last weekend saw Louise of KnitBritish and Leona-Jayne of Fluph shop, Dundee collaborate & hold a #bigwiprip session – Rip up your works in progress (WIPs), frog your project, and release the yarn for a new exciting knitting pattern! Still working through jet lag from my trip to the States, a trip to Dundee was […]