Loch Lomond to Skye

A round-up from our recent trip, one that we regularly take up the West Coast of Scotland.  Beautiful views whatever the weather. Morning light over Loch Lomond:

Blogging Challenge

As a relative newcomer to blogging, I am still finding my way with the whole concept. So when I saw a post by Eskimimi Makes about the 5th Annual Knitting & Crochet Week, 2014 I decided to bite the bullet and commit to taking part.    

Yarn Shop Day – Saturday 3 May 2014

As part of a nationwide campaign to promote independent yarn shops, today has seen a large number of shops taking part in Let’s Knit Magazine “Yarn Shop Day” with many holding special events, workshops, promotions and discounts. “Love Your Yarn Shop” first came to my attention through Twitter and when I looked up who in my […]

Willow Basket

This week my Mum and I went back to Spin A Yarn in Devon to do another Willow Workshop – this time a basket! It went from this . . . to this . . . and finally I produced this . . . A great day albeit I need to toughen up my thumbs! Now […]

Shetland Wool Week – Revisited

Workshop and event tickets for the 2014 Shetland Wool Week, 4 – 12 October, went on sale today! For the last two years I have been extremely fortunate to go to Shetland Wool Week, although sadly this year I will have to give it a miss.  Despite this I have still been spending time exploring […]

Knitting Group Entertainment!

An unexpected enjoyment I have had since I took up knitting again is being part of a knitting group.  Our group came together in 2009 when we were all doing Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket, Arabian Nights.  Although no longer all doing the Mystery Blanket we continue to meet every 3 or 4 months at one of our […]

Getting Festive!

With an early December birthday, the Christmas decorations and cards in our house usually go up once the birthday cards have come down.  For Christmas 2013 I’ve broken this rule after doing a fantastic Willow Christmas Decorations workshop with Jan Baker, an experienced basket maker and teacher.  Spin A Yarn hosted a great workshop, with Joyce […]

The Last Colours of Autumn

I’ve been visiting the Highlands of Scotland for over 30 years now, yet I never tire of the landscape and the moods created by the seasons and the ever-changing weather. Last week following a few days working in West Lothian, I took the opportunity to travel further north, catch up with friends and take a […]

Shetland Wool Week – Memories

Today I landed in Shetland all ready for Shetland Wool Week 2013 starting on Monday! This time last year I had my first experience of Shetland Wool Week, managing to pack an amazing amount into four days.  On the first day I was given the honour of modelling Kate Davies’ Shetland workshop project, the Sixareen […]

The Mysteries of Knitting

The idea for TJFrog began on the life changing knitting course I attended in France, 2008. Here I was joined by an incredible group of knitters who did not cease to amaze me with their knitting knowledge and skills.  The first night I was bombarded by knitters lingo. Ravelry, Intarsia, Beaded Knitting, Swiss Darning, Mattress Stitch – all of which […]