The last months of 2016

December arrived with the weather officially warmer on Skye than where I use to live in the South of England and here at the end of December that is still the case! With only a couple of icy days and Storm Barbara & Conor to contend with, on the whole, we have had a mild […]

Autumn 2016

There is no denying when I wake up & see a sunrise like this it adds an additional sense of wellbeing to me & injects some energy to my day. Having said that the grey, misty, cloudy, wet days, also have their own beauty, producing a monochrome landscape.  According to the Met Office, for the North of […]

April Weather

Saturday morning started off like this . . . . . . and by the afternoon it looked like this. Snow settling on the ground is a rare sight for us with being so close to the sea.  So I felt drawn to watching the snow showers on and off throughout the morning!  In the winter […]

Sun, Snow, Sheep – Skye

Plentiful sunshine today, blue skies & snow topping the very peaks of the mountains to showcase the Skye landscape. After the winter storms we’ve had calmer weather in recent days, with the weather reaching a peak today. The Skye Bridge looking across to the mountain ranges of Skye. Blaven – Blà Bheinn on the Elgol road. […]

Pies & Pom Poms

Over the past few months Skye Pie Cafe has appeared in my social media feeds a few times and left me wanting to share in the experience.  Opening for 4 days in December we fixed the date in the diary and popped along to sample the pies! Glenview is home to rooms, a gallery and the Skye […]

On The Turn . . .

One of the things I’ve found living on Skye is how distinct the seasons are, whether they be accentuated by the vast and plentiful array of flora or the varying weather conditions.  Today was one of those days where it would have been all too easy to stay indoors and keep cosy and warm rather than […]

It’s been a while . . .

Last time I blogged I was feeling elated and exhausted post Edinburgh Yarn Festival, and about to embark on a Norwegian cruise to take in the fjords alongside some knitting and crochet workshops.

Edinburgh Yarn Festival 2015

Edinburgh Yarn Festival 2015 – my first big show as an exhibitor!  Huge thanks to Mica & Jo, the organisers, for giving me the opportunity as a newbie vendor.  I had an incredible weekend – exhilarating, exhausting and inspiring all rolled into one.

Winter Walk – Armadale Hill

Since the New Year, 100+mph winds, horizontal hail coming off the sea, thunder & lightning storms, snow and various weather elements all in one day have continued to batter us.  In one of the few breaks we have had in the weather we took our first hike up Armadale Hill.  The footpath from the Armadale road just up […]

TJFrog Leaps into 2015

I am not one for making New Year Resolutions although as one year passes into another I tend to have a ‘To Do’ list for the forthcoming months.  Top of the list for 2015 is to focus on taking TJFrog forward, and with us now fully ensconced in our Skye home it’s time to get immersed in the inspirational […]