Since the New Year, 100+mph winds, horizontal hail coming off the sea, thunder & lightning storms, snow and various weather elements all in one day have continued to batter us.  In one of the few breaks we have had in the weather we took our first hike up Armadale Hill.  The footpath from the Armadale road just up from the petrol station begins by meandering around the Clan Donald Castle gardens perimeter.


It is a good path taking you through the woodland eventually leading to open moorland with a path to the top of the hill marked by this wooden post.

Top Armadale Hill 2


In places where the sunlight had failed to seep in, green and brown foliage stood out among the carpet of hail stones.

Plant Head

Green Leaf

There was much evidence of trees having fallen in the recent storms and an eerie creaking as some of the remaining trees gently swayed in the breeze.

Trees 1

I am sure this will become a regular walk of ours and certainly one to take family and friends on when they visit.  We’ve been told about the bluebells and wild garlic flowers along here and it seems a route destined to take on many appearances, colours and smells as the seasons progress.

Bye for now.

TJ Signature

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