Shetland Peerie Makkers

If it wasn’t for knitting, it’s likely Shetland would still be on my list of places to visit one day . . . Instead with my rekindled love of knitting, in 2012 I flew to Shetland for a 4 day visit for Shetland Wool Week.  Little did I know quite what an impression Shetland – […]

My Crofthoose Hat

Last October I went to Shetland, my third visit for Shetland Wool Week and three years since I last took in this amazing event. Many of you may know the Crofthoose Hat pattern designed by Ella Gordon, the elected patron for Shetland Wool Week 2016.  Offered as a free pattern this is a fantastic way to get knitters involved […]

Pies & Pom Poms

Over the past few months Skye Pie Cafe has appeared in my social media feeds a few times and left me wanting to share in the experience.  Opening for 4 days in December we fixed the date in the diary and popped along to sample the pies! Glenview is home to rooms, a gallery and the Skye […]

Singleton Button Challenge

Earlier this year, Anna McDowell of Henry’s Buttons set a challenge to bring the Singleton Dorset Button into the 21st Century.  This involved making a Singleton button using traditional methods on a 25mm ring with a free reign for the decoration on top.  The whole button had to be no more than 30mm in height.  All buttons […]

Shetland Wool Week – Revisited

Workshop and event tickets for the 2014 Shetland Wool Week, 4 – 12 October, went on sale today! For the last two years I have been extremely fortunate to go to Shetland Wool Week, although sadly this year I will have to give it a miss.  Despite this I have still been spending time exploring […]