Autumn 2016

There is no denying when I wake up & see a sunrise like this it adds an additional sense of wellbeing to me & injects some energy to my day. Having said that the grey, misty, cloudy, wet days, also have their own beauty, producing a monochrome landscape.  According to the Met Office, for the North of […]

On The Turn . . .

One of the things I’ve found living on Skye is how distinct the seasons are, whether they be accentuated by the vast and plentiful array of flora or the varying weather conditions.  Today was one of those days where it would have been all too easy to stay indoors and keep cosy and warm rather than […]

TJFrog Leaps into 2015

I am not one for making New Year Resolutions although as one year passes into another I tend to have a ‘To Do’ list for the forthcoming months.  Top of the list for 2015 is to focus on taking TJFrog forward, and with us now fully ensconced in our Skye home it’s time to get immersed in the inspirational […]