The last months of 2016

December arrived with the weather officially warmer on Skye than where I use to live in the South of England and here at the end of December that is still the case! With only a couple of icy days and Storm Barbara & Conor to contend with, on the whole, we have had a mild […]

A Leap Year in more Ways than One

With the transition from one year to the next it is with great interest I’ve read many online 2015 reflections and 2016 business plans and goals from people across the creative community. 2016, a leap year, brings an extra day to help with fitting all those plans in! A year ago, I wrote about TJFrog […]

Shetland Wool Week – Revisited

Workshop and event tickets for the 2014 Shetland Wool Week, 4 – 12 October, went on sale today! For the last two years I have been extremely fortunate to go to Shetland Wool Week, although sadly this year I will have to give it a miss.  Despite this I have still been spending time exploring […]