

The challenge today is to:

“Write about another knitter or crocheter that you admire.  Write about what you have been told about your knitting.”

A particularly different one for me today as there are just so many knitters and crocheters who I admire.  So I’ve decided to go back to 2008 when I picked up the knitting needles again.  I spent an incredible week with a group of knitters who were so generous with their help, support, advice, knowledge and expertise while being fun, creative and humorous.  I still get enormous pleasure reminiscing about the experience I shared with them and how they all in their own way helped me at the start of rekindling my love of knitting.

We were really fortunate staying in this beautiful Chateau!

Tania's Knitting Course

With this stunning autumnal view.

Tania's Knitting Course

Organised and hosted by the amazing Sue and Culli who spoilt us rotten from dawn to dusk.

Debbie Abrahams & Jane Crowfoot were the tutors who had the unenviable task of taking me from only knowing how to ‘Knit1 Purl1’ to learning about intarsia, Fair Isle, cables, beading, felting, crochet, mattress stitch and so on.  They were so patient with my endless questions.  I have gone on to do both the Mystery Blanket by Debbie and the Crochet Club by Jane.

Janet and Helen were my knitting companions late into the night.  Janet inspired me with her crafting talent, working ethos and I learnt a lot about where I wanted to take my future.  Helen’s crafting blog was the first blog I ever read, in fact my first introduction to blogging!  Her endless exquisite knitwear she appeared in each day left me speechless.

For Me – I’ve been told I am very neat although my tension is often too tight.   This is usually reflected in my shoulders working their way up around my ears as I get so involved in my knitting!

Bye for now.

TJ Signature

2 Responses

    1. That’s interesting that it has the opposite effect for you with our tension. I usually don’t know I’m doing it until someone points it out or I get a flash of pain in my neck!

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