
The challenge today is to:

“Refresh skills at creating attention grabbing pictures.”

My photography skills are pretty basic.

I usually focus on trying to get everything I want in the picture, ensure colours reflect the true colours, as much as possible, and then ‘point and shoot!’

Occasionally I get my hubby to take the photos as he is a professional photographer. Knitting would not be at the top of his list if you asked him what he likes to photograph!  I’m working on that one!

I’ve taken a look back at some of my knitting photos and tried to think about how they could be portrayed differently.  I came up with the idea of building up to reveal a whole piece of knitting.  This idea works particularly well with the Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blankets I’ve done.

The Top of the Blanket

MBTop Left

MBTop Middle

MBTop Right







The Middle of the Blanket



MB6 (1)







The Bottom of the Blanket:









The Blanket Revealed!


I have cropped from the original photo above.  In future I would photograph each section and do close up shots to reveal stitches and yarn texture.

This challenge has given me something to think about going forward with my blog and showcasing my knitting.

The execution requires more work!

Bye for now.

TJ Signature

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