Join me as I chat with amazing people, who like me, have seen their life path evolve and created new ways of being.

Welcome and thank you for joining me as I chat to Rev Jo Royle.

I first spoke to Jo in Episode 17 – A Creative Soul, and would recommend you listen to that interview first as it introduces you to her travels, work, how she ended up on Skye and future plans.

In this episode we catch up with Jo to find out about her training as a One Spirit Inter Faith Minister.

Penny Hardie Photography

We hear about Jo’s exploration of her spirituality and where it led her with her faith, and personal growth and how her creativity has evolved to creative writing and creating ceremony, which includes elopements on Skye. 

Lynne Kennedy Photography

Some of Jo’s post elopement sketches.  Sometimes Jo will hang around whilst the photographers take photos and sketch which she finds is a good way to ground after ceremony.

The paints Jo mentioned are from Mooncraft.

Penny Hardie Photography

Jo uses handfasting cords made by her daughter, which can be found on her Folksy site.

Skye Handfasting Cords

To find out more about Jo you can visit her website Rev Jo Royle or find her on social media as @revjoroyle

That’s it for this episode.

Thank you for joining me for this new series of interviews.

Until next time . . .


One Frog For a Prince, by Ron Patton & licensed from Melody Loops.

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